God’s Extraordinary Character Discovered In Ordinary Moments...
In God's Word, In His World & At Home.
Welcome! I'm glad you're here!
I live and love on Selah Farm -- a hobby homestead nestled in the beautiful mountains of western NC. With Bill, my husband of 35 years, and our three "born-in-our-hearts" children and several grandchildren, we raise a variety of animals. I love books, movies and music that make me cry.
I ask daily to have eyes and ears wide open that I might experience the wonders of God's Word and His created world.
Taking Spirit-breathed ideas and framing them with words is my passion.
Living Jesus is my highest aim.
Maureen Miller
Recent Posts
Holiness in a Headband at the Hampton Inn
She will place on your head an ornament of grace; A crown of glory she will deliver to you (Proverbs 4:9). “Can I ask a silly question?” “Of course.” I smiled at my friend. “Anything.” “Do you wear headbands for any other reason than to…
God With Me, God With Us—A Shepherdess’s Story
It happened when the Judean sky just outside Bethlehem was awash with stars, dotting an indigo canvas. My father and I were minding our business, simply tending our flock of sheep. In truth, I’d fallen asleep, something Papa often allows, especially when the night is as…
Surviving the Year of Firsts–A Mom’s Guide to Grieving Child Loss
Children are a gift from God… Whether they come to us biologically or through the miracle of adoption. Whether toddlers going through the terrible twos, teens trying to test their wings in ways that make parents want to pull out their hair, or adult sons…
25 Symbols of Christmas–Guest Post by Author Annie Yorty
O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord! ~~John Francis Wade, Translated by Frederick Oakley~~ It’s that time of year again! And with a single step into Advent, many of us are basking in the beauty and joy of Christmas. For many, putting up the…
Something–Someone–To Celebrate!
We don’t always know what burdens others carry. Unless, that is, we’re invited in. I’d say, for me, that invitation came when I had an unexpected encounter with neighbors back in August, as the sun was setting over White Oak. That was the evening I learned…
When Your Story Seems Small
She did not depart from the temple, worshipping with fasting and prayer night and day (Luke 2:37b–ESV). *** Her story may seem insignificant. After all, it’s only three short verses tucked in a chapter contained in the Gospel of Luke–one of two books written by…