Happy Graduation, Godson!
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21 NIV).
Well, here you are, Maxwell Scott–about to step in to a new chapter, having said farewell to high school and all that came before.
College will be filled with fun–with opportunities for academic growth, not to mention a plethora of circumstances which will mature you personally.
After all, you’ll have plenty of chances to say yes or no to new experiences, with little oversight from parents who, I promise, are home praying you’ll make the right decisions. Choose the best things.
And we’ll be praying too, dear Godson–both Uncle Bill and I. We’re asking God to guide you and protect you as He opens doors to the left and to the right, believing that, as you walk with Him, you’ll hear His voice, saying–
“This is the way!”
So, as you prepare for this new and exciting adventure, it’s our hope you’ll know how loved you are. As your Godparents, we take your future seriously, just as we’ve been honored to watch you each step of the way since the day you were born.
And here is our hope for you, dear Max. Taking the word “G.O.D.S.O.N.” we pray the following in the coming days–
Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long (Psalm. 25:5).
Indeed, you never walk alone. When you make the right decision, and even if you make a sinful choice, Jesus is with you. He longs for you to walk with him, because where he’ll take you is always best. He’s even there to rescue you from temptation when you desire something apart from his plan.
Walk with Jesus, who’s guidance is perfect… always!
Be very careful, then, how you live–not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity… (Ephesians 5:15, 16).
Again, this next chapter of your story will be filled with opportunity. The choices you make can undoubtedly impact your future–for the good or, let’s be honest, for the not-so-good.
In relationships, in your studies, in the use of your time, in how you treat your body (exercise, diet, etc.), as well as what you do on social media–all have impact.
Make wise choices when faced with each opportunity!
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will [direct your paths] (Proverbs 3:5, 6).
In this world, there are so many directions one can choose. This way? That way? Which way?
We’re promised God’s help when we 1) trust Him rather than trusting ourselves and 2) acknowledge Him in our lives. Walking with Him always leads in the best, safest, and most joyful direction, even when other ways appear attractive. And we know which way is best by knowing what the Bible says.
Walk in God’s ways, according to His Word, and He’ll point you in the right direction!
Be still, and know that I am God (Psalm 46:10).
Your cousin Ian often jokes about his lack of good rest, laughing, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead.”
Let’s just say, we’re not encouraging this for you, just as we’ve not encouraged this with him. Truth of the matter is, we all need rest. In fact, God modeled this by resting Himself after those six days of creativity!
So on the seventh day, He rested from all His work (Genesis 2:2).
You’ve spent lots of time on Selah Farm over the years–splashing in the pond, running around and playing on the playground and shooting hoops.
But do you know why we named our property Selah Farm all those years ago? It’s because we heard God whisper to our hearts, This will be a place of rest–a place where people will pause and be reminded of who I am.
And that’s been our prayer over the years–for all who’ve come to visit. Yes, for you too!
There’s a Hebrew word that’s often found in the Psalms. It’s Selah, and it’s thought to mean “to pause and think about.” Indeed, selah is a place to rest; hence… Selah Farm!
This next season will be busy–filled with so many necessary things as well as lots of opportunities to keep you on the go.
Don’t forget to pause from time to time, to rest. Yes, to selah!
Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21).
You’re a strong, smart, funny kid, Max–gifted in so many ways, and we can’t wait to see what God’s gonna do in and through your life!
Still, that doesn’t mean you’ve never had to overcome, and as you step into this next chapter, you’ll have to overcome new challenges, that’s for certain.
This world is filled with all sorts of evil. We know you know this! And each of us is given the choice–to choose that which perpetuates darkness or that which shines light.
Your kindness–with wit and wisdom too–will offer light to so many, we have no doubt!
Step out, and shine–overcoming the darkness with all God’s goodness within you!
But now, this is what the Lord says–he who created you… he who formed you…: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have [called] you by name; you are mine” (Isaiah 43:1).
Did you know your name–Maxwell–means “great stream”? And when I think of a stream, I imagine movement. Life. Something that sustains.
God knew just what your name was to be, whispered it to your parents. In fact, He first called you by name, saying–“Max, you are Mine!”
There’s a beautiful passage that reminds us just what happens when we believe in Jesus–
“Whoever believes in me… [streams] of living water will flow from within them” (John 7:38).
And guess who benefits. All those around you who are touched by this outpouring.
Indeed, you’ve been called to offer life–yes, the Living Water–to others as you walk with God.
So, go! Push through fear, knowing you’ve been redeemed for good works in Christ! And don’t forget to listen. He’s calling you by name!
We love you, Maxwell Scott.
We’re so proud to be your Godparents.
Heavenly Father, please go with Max! May he be blessed at UNC Greensboro, and use him to be a blessing to others he’s sure to meet along life’s path. Thank you for the light he shines–for his witty ways and all the love he possesses and gives away. Thank you for the blessing he’s been in our lives and for the privilege of being his Godparents. May Bill and I continually be worthy of this high and holy calling. Amen!
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Oh, Mo! What a wonderful tribute to Max! I well remember him walking alongside his father in his cowboy boots when The Vine was meeting in the Cornerstone Printing building. He was so proud of his cowboy boots! I complimented him on them and he replied “Thanks” He was well raised.
He always was so proud of his boots! Precious boy! And yes, he was raised well! Thank you for your comment and for taking the time to read!!!
That’s so beautiful! As with all of your children and nieces and nephews, I wish we lived closer to each other so I could get to know each of them over time, face to face, personally. Your writing helps me know them just a little more. Love you all.
Oh, thank you. And thank you for taking the time to read and always being such a wonderful encourager. I wish the same–to know my far-off family better. Love you so!
What a wonderful tribute to your Godson and a great message for all our graduates. Thanks for sharing Maureen
Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words of encouragement! Many blessings!
What a loving message to your godson, Maxwell. He is blessed to have you as part of his life. Your message is so appropriate for this time of year as our graduates take their next step in life.
We are so blessed by him and our other nieces and nephews! Isn’t God good? Thank you for taking the time to read and for your kind words! Blessings, dear friend!
This is a wonderful encouragement, Maureen, not only for Maxwell, but also for anyone who reads it. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, and thank YOU, dear friend, for taking the time to read. Blessings to you! YOU are a blessing to many!
Great inspiration for all grads. Thank you for your God given words.
Thank you, dear Gail! Blessings!