The Ministry of Banana Bread
***Please read to the end for a BONUS giveaway you won’t want to miss!*** ******* “… will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious?” (2 Corinthians 3:8 NIV) Momma. She taught me long ago there’s ministry in preparing food for another, and…
Something–Someone–To Celebrate!
We don’t always know what burdens others carry. Unless, that is, we’re invited in. I’d say, for me, that invitation came when I had an unexpected encounter with neighbors back in August, as the sun was setting over White Oak. That was the evening I learned…
Happy Graduation, Godson!
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21 NIV). Well, here you are, Maxwell Scott–about to step in to a new chapter, having said farewell…
Jesus Loves Me
***This appeared first at Arise Daily. It’s a finalist in the 2023 Selah Awards (Devotions Online category).*** The picture hung on our wall. It was a simple portrait depicting our Savior, and as a girl of seven, I imagined this was how Jesus looked…
Comfort Across the Coffee Table
“Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn” (Romans 12:15 NIV). “My husband’s having an affair.” Her words stopped me in my tracks. Returning my mug to the coffee table, our eyes met. “Really? How do you know?” “He told me. Just yesterday….
When We Fear Our ‘War Room’ Failed
…O ye of little faith (Matthew 6:30–KJV). What happens when the War Room doesn’t work? That’s how a woman I know began a recent post. It was quite a hook, and I read on. She continued by telling in detail how her marriage had been failing,…
Confessions of a Thief
Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you (I Peter 5:7–NLT). I fear I may be a thief. There. I said it. “How so?” perhaps one wonders. After all, it’s not that I pickpocket, and I don’t shoplift at the local…
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