Author: Maureen Miller

Celebrating My Children

(Reposted from several years ago — Though November is National Adoption Awareness Month, I celebrate being their mother EVERY day!) “He settles the barren woman in her home and makes her a happy mother of children.” (Psalm 113:9) Today my eldest child graduated from a…

For Shalom

Perhaps her name was Salome; after all, the Samaritan Woman certainly had a name. I wonder about her. Did she wake up that morning aware that her life would be forever changed by a man she’d never met? Or like many mornings, I wonder if…

Divinity in Veterans

Today, Allie delivered three bouquets to sweet women at Autumn Care. One held a baby doll and struggled to find her words, but she had beautiful eyes behind her thick glasses. The others were asleep, so we were extra quiet upon entering their rooms. Their…