The Man In the Green Jeep
“Do not fear… I have [called] you by name; you are Mine” (Isaiah 43:1b). “The man in the green Jeep? He has a name, you know. And he’s… he’s my son.” This was what Joyce Sheldon told Haywood County’s The Mountaineer after reading a newspaper…
From Victim to Victorious
“So, you mentioned not being afraid, how God spoke through a children’s song to bring comfort on the Wednesday just prior to this horrendous storm.” A snide laugh before, “But then Hurricane Helene hit less than forty-eight hours later. How, may I ask, do you…
No Fear!
***(Please excuse funky typeset, as our internet is wacky right now, making posting a bit harder than normal.)*** Fear. That’s what many are feeling here in western North Carolina. After all, several years ago, a flood devastated much of our county–washing away homes, hopes, and…
Time to P-I-C-K an Apple
***This article appeared first in Heart of Hospitality magazine–Autumn 2024 Edition*** **Read to the end for a yummy apple recipe and a give-away!** “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings” (Psalms 17:8 NIV). Just a single step…
Our Words, A Weapon
Late in the afternoon of a chilly day in February, two gentlemen were sitting alone… So begins Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Confession—I’ve never read it. I share this, not because I’m ashamed but, rather, surprised. After all, as the mother of a brown-skinned…
A is for ‘Another’ Day
“… and a little child will lead them” (Isaiah 11:6 NIV). “A” is for ‘A-nother’ day Another day for you to play. To slide down slides, and swing on swings, To sing those songs ‘bout kites and things. To ask your…
Woman in Whitewashed Mykonos
“You will go out in joy and be led forth with peace…” (Isaiah 55:12a NIV). “I came home to deal with my demons.” Had I understood correctly? “What’s that? Did you say, ‘Deal with your damage’?” Certainly I’d heard wrong. The woman behind the counter…
When Hope Is Deferred
***This is a special post as we are in Ephesus among Ephesians, to whom Paul wrote these words while imprisoned in Rome— “…[give] thanks always and for every circumstance, thanking God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph. 5:20). I learned…
Cradlesong–For Christmas in July
***Michelle Rayburn and Friends’ were honored to place as finalists in the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA) Golden Scroll Awards for 2024 for the ReNewed Christmas Blessings collaborative. I am honored to have a short story in this beautiful book, which also happened to be the…
When Blueberries Blue
“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven… Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11a NLT). “Mora, are they ready yet?” And I shook my head. “Lila Grace, look at them. What color are…
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