Happy Book Birthday, “Life in the Estrogen-Free Zone”
My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words.
(Proverbs 4:20 NIV)
Let’s be honest–
Being a mom of boys isn’t for the faint of heart.
- The noises.
- The smells.
- Those things you discover in their pants pockets.
But oh, the joy!
- The joy of their unique laughter…
- Their unfailing love!
I am honored and humbled to be one of twenty contributing authors in Michelle Rayburn’s new release Life in the Estrogen-Free Zone, which launches today! (Hooray!)
My story’s one of forgiveness and grace–not just from God, but from one of our sons.
It’s a story of truth told by one who’s mothering has been and continues to be far from perfect. I’ve learned from my mistakes, that’s for sure. But one thing’s certain–
I love both my boys beyond words! And they’ve blessed my life–continue to bless my life–in the unique manner of males. (Daughters too, just in a different way!)
To celebrate this book’s birthday–a collaborative project I’m so proud to be part of–I’m giving away one free copy to a blessed someone.
For a chance to win, enter a comment at the end of this post. Tell me about your experience(s) as a mom of boys or perhaps a grandma of boys.
If you don’t have sons / grandsons but have been like a momma to a boy–perhaps as a teacher or a mentor–that’s great too!
On Monday, August 7th (I’ll be on vacation until the 6th), I’ll draw a name from those who participate, then have this beautiful book shipped to your door (U.S. only).
I’m so grateful to have two sons who were born in my heart.
I’m thankful for birth moms who chose me–trusted me!–to be what they knew they couldn’t.
Cindy and Michelle, you know I’ll love you forever!
I could tell you a million stories, but I’ll save that for another time (unless you want to click on these links for two stories posted earlier–one about Ian, the other about Jake.)
For now, you share YOUR story with me!
Love you all!
Kind Abba, thank You for giving us the gift of boys. Thank you for blessing us with the gift of Your SonĀ Jesus, who set the perfect example. Though perfection is impossible now, we can each strive to live like Him, to love like Him. And we are so very grateful!
***Oh… and FYI–until Saturday, July 30th, the Kindle version of LITEFZ is available for FREE. (Click HERE!)***
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Maureen, I missed this post last week but am glad i saw it now – what adorable family photos! We raised two sons (now 36 and 41) “from scratch” plus a bonus son who joined our family when he was 11. And now we have two grandsons, 6 and 7, so it’s fun to have a bit of a do-over. The book for Boy Moms looks fantastic!
It was fun finding photos of the boys over the years. You know a thing or two (or three) about boys… and grand-boys too!
Enjoy your time away and thanks for sharing
Thank you for reading! Blessings!
Maureen, I have loved mothering my one boy. He’s always been up for adventure with his crazy mum. Congrats on the book. It sounds great!
Thank you! Isn’t being a BOY MOM wonderful? Blessings, friend!
Thank you for participating! Annie Yorty, you won the copy of LITE-FZ! Yay! I’ll ship to you ASAP!! Blessings to all!