Scattered Seed
As a little girl, I remember walking along the back fencerow of our yard in search of milkweed — their pods gathered in clusters. The unattractive gray-brown outer coverings, once opened, revealed a glorious treasure – silky white fluff that floated on the wind. My…
March On!
Yesterday I protested, though I held no sign. I didn’t shout, though I communicated emphatically. I looked in the mirror first thing in the morning and heard an incriminating voice, “You’re a NASTY woman,” but I combated it with truth — claiming instead “And I…
Free to Fly!
If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed. (John 8:36) Overnight, the temperatures had dropped. I awoke to frost on the ground — a good morning for a fire, I’d thought. But the morning slipped away, and the idea was soon forgotten….
A ‘Thank You’ to Veterans
(Previously offered at a dinner honoring veterans — Nov., 2016) It is both a privilege and an honor to speak to those of you here this evening who are veterans — to offer you thanks on behalf of myself and so many others — some…
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