A is for ‘Another’ Day
“… and a little child will lead them” (Isaiah 11:6 NIV). “A” is for ‘A-nother’ day Another day for you to play. To slide down slides, and swing on swings, To sing those songs ‘bout kites and things. To ask your…
Grief Doesn’t Have to Be a Thief!
***Read to the end for a give-away!*** “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4 CSB). Confession: Sometimes I live with my eyes closed. Like a little girl with the If I can’t see it then it doesn’t exist mentality, I bury…
Another Godnection–Michelle Medlock Adams
“God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing…” (Psalm 68:6a NIV). From aerobics instructor to award-winning author! I first met fellow writer Michelle Medlock Adams when I was a freshman at Asbury University. Bewildered by inner voices telling me I… Wasn’t…
If Jesus Had a Dog
(Read to the end for a chance to win a wonderful puppy dog book by a dear writer friend!) Mother’s Day weekend 2013, a mixed-Pyrenees pup joined our family–not long after our adopted daughter, having suffered great loss, too, joined us at the age of…
When What One Wishes For Is Far From What She Gets
“The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception” (Proverbs 14:8 NIV). Prudent–(adj.) thoughtful care concerning a decision that will impact the future. I wasn’t, and that’s the problem. “Wasn’t what?” some perhaps ask. Wasn’t…
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