Lessons on Life Learned from Skiing
God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that .
(I Corinthians 1:9—The Message)
I haven’t always considered myself adventurous. In fact, I’ve been fearful. Cautious. A play-it-safe kind of gal!
But, being married to Bill, I’ve changed. Perhaps his audacious personality has rubbed off on me, helping me try new things. Take greater risks.
Like snow skiing—something I attempted as a child, when the possibility of brittle bones was less. I was never great at the sport, but I could descend an Ohio mountain with the best of ‘em. After all, I’m from the Midwest, so you get my drift.
As a new mom, I didn’t ski much but later, was invited to try again. Heading to Colorado, I’d have the opportunity to enjoy some real powder, not to mention, real mountains. Brave husband offered to teach me because, let’s be honest, I’d never really learned.
That was more than twenty years ago. And while I haven’t broken a bone or careened down a cliff, I’ve learned some good lessons, several which apply to my work as a writer. Likely, they’ll apply to your career and / or calling as well.
Follow a Guide.
I rarely ski alone. I’m most comfortable, in fact, following someone better than myself. Whether Bill or another skilled teacher, I’ve grown over the years through the guidance of those who know more.
As a writer, this, too, is true. While much of my work is done in solitude, I’m in daily contact with writers who share my love for words, most days with those much more knowledgeable than myself.
No matter what you do as a vocation or ministry, following the advice of mentors and teachers grows us, guiding us on the path toward our desired end.
When You Fall, Get Back Up!
Honestly, I’ve experienced many spills while skiing, and though I’ve never been seriously injured, it doesn’t feel good, nor is getting back up easy. In fact, sometimes it’s downright difficult, making me wonder if I’m too old for the sport.
What to do?
- Rest a moment.
- Rise with help from your poles.
- Move ahead.
Such is the case with writing. I’ve suffered setbacks. Failures. It hurts, and I want to give up. Who am I to be doing this? I wonder. Sometimes I feel too old and need a reminder I’m not.
What about you? Ever feel stuck? Stagnant? Like you’re spinning your wheels and getting no where fast? Or you’ve fallen and can’t get up?
What to do?
- Rest a moment.
- Rise with help from your people.
- Move ahead.
Remember—we won’t accomplish the mountain if we stop, and there are plenty of folks just waiting to help us get back up and move toward our desired goals.
Enjoy the Adventure!
These days, the fun usually outweighs fear, in both skiing and in my work as a writer.
Still, do I ever question myself, tempted to play it safe, avoid the possibility of pain? Yes, but I’m reminded—
Our most faithful Guide, the One who’s always there to pick us up when we fall or fail, has called us out of our comfort zones to live with freedom and enjoy the journey.
Oh, and don’t forget—Jesus, our dearest Friend, will never give up on us!
So… onward!
Kind Father, thank you for those You’ve placed in our paths to help us along life’s way. May we be there for others as well–to encourage and inspire… for Your glory and our good. Amen!
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Great helps and reminders, Maureen! Thank you for this! Sometimes I feel like quitting too, but others do help AND GOD ALWAYS is there to help us through. How wonderful! (I loved this blog post.)
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment, sweet Sarah. I know you certainly have felt this way too. So thankful we have sisters in Christ to help us carry us through the difficult days, cheering us on! Love to you!
What a fun post to read, Maureen. Thank you for distilling life lessons and spiritual truths from your time in the Colorado snow! See you very soon.
Thank you, dear friend. I’d written this and submitted it to Andrea prior to our trip to CO. Then I thought, “What if THIS time I actually DO break a bone…” Glad it didn’t… wouldn’t want to hurt the message… or… well, you know! 😉 Yes, see you soon!!!