***(Please excuse funky typeset, as our internet is wacky right now, making posting a bit harder than normal.)***


That’s what many are feeling here in western North Carolina.
After all, several years ago, a flood devastated much of our county–washing away homes, hopes, and dreams.
Even taking lives.
With the threat of Hurricane Helene, many are buckling down, boarding up, and praying hard–
“Please, Lord, be near. Keep safe. Protect as only You can.”
Yesterday, I picked up our grand-girls from preschool.
Lila greeted me with a hug but got straight to the point.
“We’re having a red storm,” she proclaimed.
“What?” I was a tad confused.
“My teachers told us. We’re having a red storm.”
“A red storm, huh? Is that bad?”
(I thought I knew what she was referring to–the category storm the weatherman had predicted for our mountain community not usually at risk for far-off hurricane effects.)
“Yes. It’s a bad storm. It’s a red storm.” Lila’s head bobbed with her enthusiasm, her eyes depicting concern.
“It’s gonna rain hard on the roof and we’ll hear it at our windows.”
Yep, that’s what she meant alright.
In the car, as is custom, I asked them what song they wanted.
After some consideration, Emory and Lila agreed upon (a miracle in itself, but wait for it!)…
“He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.”
“Good choice,” I exclaimed from the front seat, then programmed the song on my phone.
Seconds later, a children’s trio sang from my synced car stereo, and a duet joined in from behind me.
“He’s got the whole world in His hands…
He’s got the whole world in His hands…
He’s got the whole world in His hands…
He’s got the whole world in His hands.”
I peered in my rearview mirror to see two smiling faces–
Each uninhibited in their praise.
Neither afraid, neither concerned.
They believed what they sang–
God had everything in His hands!
But it was the second verse that struck me–
Making me realize there was more to this moment than merely a children’s ensemble.
“He’s got the wind and the rain in His hands…
He’s got the wind and the rain in His hands…
He’s got the wind and the rain in His hands…
He’s got the whole world in His hands.”

And I knew.

The message here wasn’t just for them.
It was for me.
It’s for you, no matter what storms you may be facing.

Because it’s true.

Despite any unknowns in the coming hours or days,
Even with the memory of a terrible flood still lingering in our minds…
God wants us to hold to His promise–
He’s got the whole world in His hands…
Yes, even the wind and the rain.
He asks us to believe as little children…
To trust our heavenly Father, even in the midst of a Category ‘Red’ storm.
His promise–
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you…” (Isaiah 43:2).
Indeed, He used little children to speak peace to my heart,
And He’s saying it to others as well (from Isaiah 43:1–paraphrase)–
Now, this is what the LORD says,
The One who created you, He who formed you…
I have redeemed you, so do not…

Father, help us not be afraid, even when the weatherman calls for catastrophic flooding. Help us be like children, trusting You at all times, in all things. And may we shine the light of Jesus, no matter what comes our way. Amen.

***(To hear a beautiful song incorporating Isaiah 43’s promise, click HERE.)***