
Divinity in Veterans

Today, Allie delivered three bouquets to sweet women at Autumn Care. One held a baby doll and struggled to find her words, but she had beautiful eyes behind her thick glasses. The others were asleep, so we were extra quiet upon entering their rooms. Their…

Fly Away Full!

We’d been having problems. In particular, pond problems — and it was proving to be no small matter. An expert in the creating and maintaining of ponds came. His analysis of ours and a plan to fix it made our jaws drop. At a minimum,…

A Child’s Dream

When we were kids, we used to dream. (We didn’t know then that, sometimes, there’s a cost to dreaming.) “When I have a son one day, I want to name him Troy,” you’d said. Troy — the name of the kid that had been a…

Mary’s Little Lamb

Near the cross [where The Lamb hung] stood his mother… (John 19:25) (The following story, though allegorical in nature, is true — as recounted by my dear mother, Mary. It is fitting for her to have witnessed this, as she is, to me, a person who…