Let the whole earth sing to the LORD! Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. Publish his glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things he does. Great is the LORD (I Chronicles 16:23-25a — NLT)!

Yesterday I had a choice — to either take a nap or take a walk. I wasn’t feeling well. My heart was heavy. My brain, foggy.

And so, with dog on her leash — a bandana around her neck — and with niece Ali Beth by my side, I walked. And when I got to the place where I’d thought we’d turn around, we just kept on walking.

When we returned home about an hour later, I was feeling better. My heart was lighter. My brain, more clear.

Oh, the power of praise — that natural response when one walks in beauty and breathes more deeply. When one sings, “Thank you, God! You did it again!”

Yes, great is the LORD!