Author: Maureen Miller

Fly Away Full!

We’d been having problems. In particular, pond problems — and it was proving to be no small matter. An expert in the creating and maintaining of ponds came. His analysis of ours and a plan to fix it made our jaws drop. At a minimum,…

A Child’s Dream

When we were kids, we used to dream. (We didn’t know then that, sometimes, there’s a cost to dreaming.) “When I have a son one day, I want to name him Troy,” you’d said. Troy — the name of the kid that had been a…

Mary’s Little Lamb

Near the cross [where The Lamb hung] stood his mother… (John 19:25) (The following story, though allegorical in nature, is true — as recounted by my dear mother, Mary. It is fitting for her to have witnessed this, as she is, to me, a person who…

Jesus Always

Our first Sunday evening of Advent was perfect.  May I repeat? PERFECT! I had the wreath displayed so nicely in a central location in our home.  I had the candles ready. Our little plastic Mary and Joseph were preparing to embark on their journey toward…